“All I Need” on the Women of Substance podcast!

“All I Need” on the Women of Substance podcast!

‘Tis the season!

In fact, this year it started here the day after Halloween—radio stations and retail merchants played holiday ads & displayed holiday wares, and I’ll bet you’ve already heard a few strains of the seasonal soundtrack.

Not everybody is excited about this, believe it or not.  (Yup, that last part was irony.)  For many of us, consumerism and obligatory gift-giving have changed what was once a time for family, faith, generosity and connection into a time of financial pressure and frenzied preparation for seasonal events, and all that stress just leaves a sense of emptiness when it’s all over with.

I used to feel that way myself sometimes.  But a few years ago it occurred to me to view the season as just that, a season, instead of a series of deadlines.  Yes, we still celebrate Christmas, but now when it’s behind us instead of feeling anti-climactic I feel the next week as a continued arc to New Year’s Day—and even after New Year’s Day I still have some holiday warm fuzzies.

This is so, so good.  Way more fun, inspiring and soul-nourishing.  There’s been plenty to be discouraged about recently, but knowing that a simple perspective shift can really change everything I’ll be looking for other opportunities to see challenges in fresh ways and learn what makes for more joyful life & celebrations heading into 2018.

And on that note, my song  “All I Need” was written with gratitude and appreciation at this time of year (plus always) for gifts that have nothing to do with shopping or any particular events, and I’m delighted that it will be one of the songs featured this Friday on the “Women of Substance” podcast, Show #702; you can also hear it via iTunes or YouTube.

If you subscribe to the podcast you will be treated to Bree Noble’s carefully curated selection of new music by female artists, an impressive endeavour she has been dedicated to for … well, 701 shows so far, and 28 more before the end of this year.  Yeah, she rocks all right.

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